Meet Annie
Where were you born?
Im a Noo Yawka, born and bred. Which is why if I sometimes seem loud and pushy, its just my biological imperative acting up.
When did you start writing?
I wrote my first book when I was eleven. The main characters name was Johnny. He had black hair, vivid blue eyes, and was something of an anti-hero. Hmmm. Not much has changed
Whats it like being a writer? Got any tips?
Make friends with rejection and youll do all right. And tattoo the word persevere on your writing hand so itll always be there in front of you as you work.
How does your family put up with you?
With a heavy dose of tranquilizers
I mean humor. Not that I want to get mushy, but I have a wonderful husband and a great daughter, both of whom have been complete bricks when it comes to my work. Weve had plotting sessions and character analyses over countless meals and umpteen car rides. My family is the best.
Whats the rest of your life like?
What life? I mean, Im a writer, I have no life outside my head.
What do you do for fun?
Well, Id love to say I ski and hike and climb things, but the truth is Im a firm believer in the notion that only trees belong outside. But I am a big soap opera fan. And a huge knitting freak. I knit during critique sessions, board meetings, lectures. Im pretty obnoxious about it.
What did you do before you came a writer?
I was an advertising copywriter for twelve years, writing print ads and brochures, and writing and producing radio and TV commercials.
How did you get interested in romance writing?
Ive always been a sucker for a love story. And I believe unhappy endings belong in real life, not fantasy. Put the two together and romance is the only place to be.
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